Bold ideas better solutions 2019 symposium provides the opportunity for clinicians, researchers, services users and industry partners to share their expertise and the most up to date knowledge of discovery and design in disability and rehabilitation.
This year the symposium theme, Discovery and Design in Disability and Rehabilitation will feature the latest interdisciplinary research focused on discovery to enhance services, practices and policies for the wellbeing of people with complex rehabilitation needs, and the emerging ideas driving new innovations in design. The day-long symposium will present a stimulating and interdisciplinary program of oral and poster presentations, invited speakers, and panel session.
The symposium will be convened by the founding partners of The Hopkins Centre—Griffith University and the Division of Rehabilitation at Metro South Hospital and Health Service. Together with our affiliate partners, Queensland Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance Commission, Spinal Life Australia, Synapse, Health Consumers Queensland, RACQ and Gold Coast University Hospital, the Centre has built a strong platform of industry collaboration and service user engagement.
To get involved and support this event, click here to view the sponsorship prospectus
With special thanks to our valued sponsors and supports of the symposium:
Proud of the contribution the higher education and research sectors make in Australia and are thrilled to be supporting The Hopkins Centre Bold ideas better solutions 2019 Symposium |