Singing cords project

The creation of The Singing Cords is a vibrant example of the benefits gained from Hopkin’s events.

Spinal Injury Acute care senior practitioner Brooke Wadsworth had the opportunity to meet Griffith’s Dr Yoon Irons, music therapist at the April Meet and Mingle. Dr Yoon has an established research track record in using music therapy to improve respiratory function and wellbeing for people with cystic fibrosis and Parkinson’s. Brooke has a strong interest in respiratory function in Spinal Injury care.  She also happens to be good friends with professional singer Tim McCallum who had a tetraplegic injury several years ago. After relentless pursuit to overcome busy schedules the 3 met and discussed what a new program of music and singing within the Spinal Care Unit could look like. Together with an interested peer support worker, speech pathologist, leisure therapist and physio a program protocol has evolved and a joint research proposal has been drafted.

The first sing along with Tim was in November and recently Christmas Carols echoed through the Spinal Care Unit. The best quote of the program so far goes to a current inpatient who said, ‘his is better than any pill they can give you! Can we do it again tomorrow?”

Check out more about this sing cords project under our project page.

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