THC at 6th Annual Scientific Meeting, Rehabilitation Medicine of Australia and New Zealand

The Hopkins Centre’s Co-Director and Medical Chair at the Division of Rehabilitation, Professor Tim Geraghty, was joined by colleagues from The Hopkins Centre and Division of Rehabilitation Kiley Pershouse and Delena Amsters, at the 6th Annual Scientific Meeting, Rehabilitation Medicine Society of Australia and New Zealand in Hobart, in September.

Prof. Geraghty co-presented a workshop, titled “Tackling hidden disability: It’s everyone’s business”, which was a joint-workshop with Prof James Middleton and Annette Kifley from the John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research and University of Sydney and Mr Robert Wynn, Spinal Cord Injuries Australia. Tim, James and team discussed the findings of the Australian arm of the International SCI Survey (Aus-InSCI) related to Hidden Disability in Spinal Cord Injury.

View that presentation by clicking here or the slide below.

Title slide from the presentation, with turquoise background and the Hopkins Centre logo in the top left hand corner.

Prof. Geraghty also co-presented a concurrent workshop with Delena Amsters and Kiley Pershouse entitled "Principles and practice of involving consumers in quality activities, service development and rehabilitation research: moving from tokenism to authenticity, value and meaning".

View that presentation by clicking here or the slide below.

Title slide from the presentation, with a white background and colourful top boarder.

Also at the meeting, Tim presented the presentation "Understanding the research capacity building needs of medical officers in rehabilitation services" on behalf of colleagues from the The Hopkins Centre, Letitia Burridge and Michele Foster.

Click the slide below to view that presentation.

Title slide from the workshop PowerPoint

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