Kirsty Gray

Clinical Nurse Consultant, Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit, Metro South Health
Kirsty is currently the Clinical Nurse Consultant of the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit (BIRU) at the PA Hospital. She holds a Masters of Science specialising in Rehabilitation and Gerontology and has been working in the field of rehabilitation for 15 years including 8 years in specialist brain injury. In her role in a state-wide service Kirsty manages the consultancy service for referrals to the unit and liaises with staff and family providing feedback and education on brain injury and role of rehabilitation. For the inpatient ward Kirsty manages and reviews patients with behaviours of concerns and other clinical matters and provides education and support for patients, families and staff. Kirsty is the first person in the BIRU to commence a nurse led research project approved by ethics in 2018. She has presented nationally at several conferences, including ARNA17 and recently as a co-presenter on the rehabilitation nursing research masterclass at Spinal Injury Nurses Association (SINA) in June 2019. She also sits on the ABI CAN (Clinical Advisory Network), an advisory network that provide high-level clinical advice, expertise and leadership to guide the implementation of the actions from the statewide plans. More recently, Kirsty has received a 2019 ARNA research scholarship, with the formal announcement to occur shortly.