Hopkins Hour Event Resources: 'Virtual Reality for Chronic Pain'

Thank you to everyone who joined the virtual Hopkins Hour live event on 23 July 2020 about 'Virtual Reality for Chronic Pain: From low back pain to spinal cord injury-related neuropathic pain'.

Hosted by Therapeutic Interventions and Practices​​ Research Stream and Presented by, Professor Michel Coppiters, Research Stream Leader and Founding Professor of Allied Health Research and Research Fellow, Dr Daniel Harvie from The Hopkins Centre, Menzies Health Institute Queensland.

The research event focused on project progress towards using virtual reality-mediated body illusions to treat persistent pain, stimulate walking in people with paraplegia and treat persistent below lesion pain following spinal cord injury. We also heard from Dr Harvie about how virtually embodying superheros are being used to target perceptions of physical vulnerability in people with chronic low back pain, and how this may promote reductions in pain and increased activity.

For those who missed the live event, you can view the video recording below, along with other accessible event resources shared:

Event video recording

Event Questions and Answer Transcript

PowerPoint from Professor Michel Coppiters

PowerPoint from Dr Daniel Harvie

Microsoft Stream Live Event Recording with interactive transcript and closed captions (add auto generated captions by pressing the CC button)

Please note - Microsoft predicts about 90% accuracy on their auto-caption service, but this will depend on your accent and your enunciation. The live event captions are not 100% accurate in translation from presenter audio to captions, but we are developing further accessible resources to improve this.


Click HERE to link with event speakers and view their research profiles, Prof. Michel Coppietiers and Dr Daniel Harvie.

Tags: Hopkins Hour, Event, VR, Virtual Reality, Chronic Pain, Pain

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