Alan 'Hammer' Bloore

Global Ambassador for Richemont Group 1999-2018
Fundraising ambassador for “Sporting Wheelies and Disabled Association”
Patient educator, Advocate and Presenter representing Qld Health and PAH Spinal Unit, Spinal Injury Association Presenter
Alan currently has a Property Development firm and is an Angel investor. Alan (otherwise known as Hammer) holds a portfolio of companies and investments and is the trustee of 2 trusts which keeps him more than busy. In 2006 hammer suffered a complete spinal cord injury just below the neck from a freak maritime accident rendering him an Asia A high thoracic paraplegic. However, that has not stopped him making use of his new injury and in fact has allowed him to use his public speaking skills helping both government and the private sector as a presenter for QLD health, allied health professionals, clinical practitioners, spinal injuries association and the Brisbane spinal unit which he values dearly as a way to help the community!
Alan is a core member of The Hopkins Centre and Ambassador council. Read more about his story here