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Child Health, Learning and Disability Evidence-based Practice & Community Supports Enabling Technologies and Environments Musculoskeletal health and rehabilitation
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Complex Adjustment to Physical Injury in Rehabilitation: Translating knowledge of resource, support and learning needs of staff into best practice training and clinical care The Dignity Project Trajectories of Rehabilitation across Complex Environments (TRaCE) Person-centred care in a digital environment: An exploration of health professional use and experience of integrated electronic medical records (ieMRs) in spinal injury rehabilitation settings Compassion in rehabilitation nursing: A study of nurses’ perceptions and experiences of compassion in caring in the inpatient rehabilitation setting. Participation in life after traumatic spinal cord injury – an analysis of person perceived determinants and the implications for rehabilitation Adapted Physical Activity Program (APAP) Can people with catastrophic injuries access occupational therapy and physiotherapy: a pilot project applying geographical information system technology Is the functional independence measure (FIM) equivalent between spinal cord (SCI) and acquired brain injury (ABI) patients: assessing measurement bias Predictors of Self-Rated Health Post-Injury: Findings from claimants in Queensland Disability concentration and access to rehabilitation services: a pilot spatial assessment applying geographic information system analysis Understanding family workload and capacity following catastrophic injury Inclusive Housing Development: Developing and Testing a Decision System (ARC Linkage Grant ID: LP140100446) Farming 4 Care: Using nature to cultivate resilience in young people AT HOME ASSIST: A decision support tool for professionals engaging in inclusive housing development Urban Green Space and Wellbeing EPIDOROS-V2 HabITec: The sociotechnical space Consumer Engagement Strategy Integrating an Evidence-Based Clinical Exercise Physiology Service Model into a Comprehensive Multiprofessional Rehabilitation Service for People with Brain Impairment: An Integrated Knowledge Transla Complex Rehabilitation in Systems under Immense Stress (CRISIS): Secondary complications and access to services during system disruption for people with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Potential of smartphone apps to assist people with spinal cord injury Meeting unmet needs following minor stroke Translating the National Disability Insurance Scheme into practice: examining choice, collaboration and capacity in the specialist rehabilitation setting Impact of central obesity and body composition on energy needs and wound healing in people with spinal cord injury undergoing surgical repair of chronic pressure injuries Developing an evidence-based framework for vocational rehabilitation in early transitional brain injury service Understanding family workload following traumatic injury Singing Cords: Peer led group singing to enhance breathing, voice and wellbeing The feasibility of using mouthpiece ventilation post-extubation for acute tetraplegia in the Intensive Care Unit Care transition types across acute, sub-acute and primary care: Case studies of older people with complex conditions and their carers Profiles of Vocalisation Change in Children with Autism receiving Early Intervention What are clinician perspectives of the Logan Hospital Rehabilitation Unit design? Way forward: Evaluation of culturally supportive leadership of Indigenous Mental Health Workers in Metro South and Metro North Effective pain management in everyday life: Developing a model of peer support for persistent pain Sleep among patients with brain injury in hospital: A systematic review Subjective quality of life after acquired brain injury in adulthood: A systematic review of available evidence-based measures Research Support for Review of Services to Young People with OOHC Optimising the delivery of persistent pain management to people with a refugee background in a multicultural context: A retrospective chart audit Validity testing of a new conceptual framework for rehabilitation, post spinal cord injury Using virtual reality to improve the health and wellbeing of people with spinal cord injury: a systematic review Using Virtual Reality to Impact the Psycho-Emotional Health of People Who Have Experienced Injury and are Receiving Rehabilitation in Hospital Using the natural environment to address the psychosocial impact of neurological impairment: a systematic review Understanding environmental determinants of sleep quality in patients’ with traumatic brain injury: Improving quality of care in inpatient populations Transforming a research idea to a research project and beyond: the impact of a masterclass on facilitating research participation among rehabilitation nurses Broad project area - mapping networks of service provision in rural communities Community environment and the health and well-being of people with spinal cord injury: a systematic review Compassion in rehabilitation nursing: a study of nurses’ perceptions and experiences of compassion in caring in the inpatient rehabilitation setting Complex adjustment to physical injury in rehabilitation: Translating knowledge of resource, support and learning needs of staff into best practice training and clinical care Developing a neurocognitive design environmental assessment model (review and frramework) The significance of resilience on the longer-term wellbeing of family The provision of Livable Housing design: The costs and benefits to Australian society The impact of natural and built environments on brain activity: a systematic review The efficacy of housing alternatives for people with an acquired brain or spinal injury: A systematic review Epidoras: tracking gaps and needs in the delivery of health, rehabilitation and disability services in Queensland Evaluating the first purpose-built housing complex in Australia for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people with complex disability Outcomes in long duration spinal cord injury: ten year follow up Investigating the relationship between spatial environments and quality of life and health service use for people with spinal cord injury Integrating an Evidence-Based Clinical Exercise Physiology Service Model into a Comprehensive Multiprofessional Rehabilitation Service for People with Brain Impairment: A Translation Approach Partnering with clinicians to illuminate the contribution of Rehabilitation Nursing to Multidisciplinary Care Teams Evaluation of the implementation of a novel interdisciplinary role-based approach to goal setting in the slow to recover brain injury rehabilitation setting Establishing community characteristics contributing to the psychosocial health of refugee and asylum seeking populations with a disability Evaluating the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary hypertonicity service to inform the development of a state-wide service model for management of hypertonicity post brain injury Back2Work Project Establishing community characteristics contributing to the psychosocial health of refugee and asylum seeking populations with a disability Nerang Alliance HCQ Consumer Engagement Evaluation Making complex interfaces work for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Preventing adversarial compensation processes: A qualitative study on design and operational features contributing to conflict, dispute and collaboration barriers in the Queensland CTP system Clinical Guides: Supporting children on the Autism Spectrum with minimal verbal language Clinicians’ views on the facilitators and barriers that influence the provision of persistent pain management to refugees attending the Persistent Pain Clinic at PAH. Supporting ethical inclusion of people with acquired disability in research: consumer informed approaches Evaluating the translation of the adapted physical activity program into the TRS: Application of the REAIM framework Virtual reality as a novel therapeutic tool in tertiary persistent pain clinics: A patient perspective Is increased community participation associated with favourable mental health outcomes among people with spinal cord injury? Developing the Guddi for Young People Methodology Design and feasibility testing of a Graded Motor Imagery application to manage neuropathic pain in people with spinal cord injury Exploring the experience of fatigue for people with a traumatic brain injury and their carers to inform evidence-based clinical management What are the factors that determine the optimal timing of physical therapy during acute inpatient rehabilitation after spinal cord injury? ROAMM: Restoring Occupations And coMMunity participation Musculoskeletal Health and Persistent Pain Research Lab Brain plasticity in spinal cord injury pain Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) Clinical Trial Diabetic study Virtual reality study to combat persistent pain Understanding neuropathic pain following breast cancer treatment The UPLIFT program Enabled VIP Travel Experiences, Motivations, Patterns, and Attitudes from people with neurological injury and conditions (TEMPA-neuro) Community access and participation following acquired brain injury ARC Adjudicating Rights for a Sustainable National Disability Insurance Scheme Designing the social environment for people with ABI in the community using communication partner training: A blueprint for social connection Accessible Transport Network- Disability, Mobility and Dignity First Australian Holistic Health: Development of a Multi-Dimensional Model of Suicidal Ideation and Suicide-Related Behaviours The NOVELL Redesign project: Neuroscience Optimised Virtual Environment Living Lab CHLD Network: Child Health, Learning and Disability Home Modification Design and Innovation The International Spinal Cord Injury (InSCI) Community Survey Project and Australian arm (Aus-InSCI) Nutrition Prescription: Healing Pressure Injuries in Spinal Cord Injury Communication Partner Training Project AI- Enabled Spatial Attention Assessment and Training System The impact of the introduction of the HabITec Lab at the Princess Alexandra Hospital Describing the use of Technology in Rehabilitation in a Queensland Tertiary Hospital and Healthcare Setting Accelerating technology uptake during a pandemic: enabling and extending delivery of rehabilitation The GUARDian Research Project READY Study: Readying hospitalised patients with disability who need NDIS supports for discharge Musculoskeletal Health and Persistent Pain The Disability Accommodation Landscape in Queensland Advanced Queensland Telehealth Project BIONICS QUEENSLAND CHALLENGE: Hearoes and the Hopkins Centre Unite to Win “Early Innovation Award” Valuing Home Modifications Innovative Accommodation for individuals with ABI Sustainable Cognitive-Enriching Specialised Disability Accommodation Evaluating the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary hypertonicity service to inform the development of a state-wide service model for management of hypertonicity post brain injury A review of the processes of care for the management of people with a spinal cord injury on the orthopaedics wards at the Princess Alexandra Hospital Evaluating the Translation of the Adapted Physical Activity Program into the Acquired Brain Injury Translational Rehabilitation Service: Application of the RE-AIM Framework Assessing cognitive-communication skills in the Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) return to work population Getting research closer to practice: Using a research capacity building framework to develop and evaluate a clinician-researcher position in occupational therapy Adapting TBI Express communication partner training for leaders of a community peer support group for adults with acquired brain injury (ABI): is it feasible, acceptable and potentially effective? The influence of time-of-day on physiological and perceptual responses to exercise in people with spinal cord injury living in the community Dimensional Assessment Modelling for Neglect Detection (DIAMOND): A Novel Application for Brain Injury Growing Assistive Technology Solutions in Queensland: A collaboration with the National Injury Insurance Agency Queensland (NIISQ Agency). Building the Research Capacity of Rehabilitation Clinicians Understanding what self-advocacy means after brain injury: Having a say in your care and rehabilitation Developing a sustainable approach to research capacity building for the Queensland Branch, Australasian Faculty Rehabilitation Medicine (AFRM) The Transition2sub-acute Project (T2SA) Home to Hospital The Dignity Project: Disability-led innovation to improve the patient journey SEED PROJECT - Implementing principles of health literacy into rehabilitation practice using a change champion/co-design approach: A pilot and feasibility evaluation PhD Scholarship Success - welcoming Hannah Gawne as PhD candidate SEED PROJECT - Sustained employment following acquired brain or spinal cord injury: Case studies involving employees, employers, and service providers. Investigating the most effective method to communicate data for clinical decision making in spinal cord injury rehabilitation. SEED PROJECT: Can we enhance the home modification process and outcomes using 3D visualisations of activities of daily living (ADLs)? SEED PROJECT - What effect does virtual reality-based nature exposure have on anxiety and depression in people with brain injury in a hospital rehabilitation ward? SEED PROJECT - Supporting Friendships and Social Connections for People with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) and Acquired Brain Injury (ABI): Real Strategies for Sustainable Change. Driving disruption interventions for acquired brain injuries in the community-based rehabilitation setting SEED PROJECT - EPIC-Tech - Engineering and Physiotherapy Interdisciplinary Collaboration with Technology Trajectories of Rehabilitation across Complex Environment (TRaCE) 3.0 Scoping the technology landscape of Day Hospital Brain Injury Rehabilitation Services SEED PROJECT: Complications of post-flap surgery in people with spinal cord injury. SEED PROJECT: Sleep disturbances following spinal cord injury: Understanding help-seeking behaviour and co-designing a sleep management resource SEED PROJECT: Design Café – Innovation Through Lived Experience SEED PROJECT: If, How and Why Patients Modify and Personalise Their Rooms in Inpatient Neurorehabilitation Environments SEED PROJECT: Navigating rail transport after acquired brain injury SEED PROJECT: Development of the ROBIN (Returning hOme after Brain INjury) smart device application Australian Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Study (AUS-mTBI) How does waiting for access to The Metro South Pain Rehabilitation Centre affect patients’ use of high risk monitored medicines? SEED PROJECT: Co-producing resources for clinicians and people with Spinal Cord Injuries in Queensland: Enhancing patient decision-making and access to information. SEED PROJECT: Making interdisciplinary pain management programs more patient-centred: a qualitative study of patients' perceptions of the ENGAGE pain group BEEHIVE: Brain + Enriched Environments Lab
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