National Practice Guideline Resources to Support Autistic Children and Their Families

Autism CRC released their new National Practice Guideline Resources on 19 April, 2024, designed to aid practitioners and families in supporting autistic children. 

The new Guideline Resources include a number of tools such as an eLearning short course on Guideline-based practice, comprehensive materials for pre-service education, and tailored resources aimed at aiding individuals and families in managing their journeys. These tools are designed to complement the National Guideline for the learning, participation, and wellbeing of autistic children and their families, introduced in 2023. The guideline underscores evidence-based practices essential for fostering the development, participation in childhood activities, and overall wellbeing of autistic children.

"In my discussions with mainstream services, from education to health, there's a clear need for practical resources that can be readily applied to support autistic children effectively. These new tools not only embody our well-developed guidelines but also bring them to life, ensuring that inclusion is achieved across all our services" Minister Rishworth said of the critical nature of these resources, at the launch.

Developed by Autism CRC, with contributions from The Hopkins Centre colleagues Rhylee Sulek, Kandice Varcin, Rachelle Wicks, Felicity Rose, Justina Sparks and Professor David Trembath, as well as Garry Allen, Nicole Dargue, Emma Hinze from Griffith University and other professional organisations, these resources aim to enhance the capabilities of practitioners and community members alike. 

For practitioners: the Guideline Resources deliver best practice and evidence-based services.

 Click here to view the e-learning and resources for practitioners

For community, families and individuals: The Resources aim to empower families and caregivers to make informed decisions by defining evidence-based practices for supporting autistic children and their families that promote a child’s development, participation in childhood activities, and wellbeing.

 Click here to view the Community Resources.

The launch event also served as a platform to introduce the second edition of the National Guideline for the assessment and diagnosis of autism in Australia. This edition builds upon the initial 2018 guidelines and includes 66 recommendations approved by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), reflecting a blend of research, clinical practice insights, and community preferences.

Andrew Davis, CEO of Autism CRC, stated, "These guidelines and resources merge the latest international research with insights from our diverse community stakeholders, including practitioners, autistic individuals, and their families. Our commitment is to provide a foundation that supports informed, effective, and desirable interventions."

Project Co-chair, and Hopkins researcher, Professor David Trembath likened the new strategy to a navigational toolset: "The National Autism Strategy acts as a compass, with the clinical guidelines mapping the terrain, and the new resources serving as a GPS, guiding families to the supports that promise safety, efficacy, and desirability."

Dr. Samarra Toby, a First Nations GP and mother of an autistic child, also shared her personal and professional endorsement of the resources: "For the first time, I feel our community's voice is genuinely heard and valued. These guidelines are now integral to the training of new doctors, enhancing our collective capacity to support the autism community."

Autism CRC extends heartfelt thanks to the hosts, speakers, and all supporters who continue to champion the cause, aiming to improve the quality of life and opportunities for autistic individuals across Australia.

For all the information, please see the Autism CRC website.


Image credit: All images on this page have been respectfully borrowed from the "New National Practice Guideline Resources Launched in Adelaide" page on the Autism CRC website.

Tags: Autism, Autism Practice Guidelines, Guidenline, Autism Guideline, Autism Resources, Autistic

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