David Crompton

Publications 2016-2017
Wyder, M., Ehrlich, C., Crompton, D., McArthur, L., Delaforce, C., Dziopa, F., Ramon, S., Powell,
E. 2017. Nurses experiences of delivering care in acute inpatient mental health settings: A
narrative synthesis of the literature. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 2017
Dark, F., Whiteford, H., Ashkanasy, NM., Harvey, C., Harris, M., Crompton, D., Newman, E. 2017.
The impact of organisational change and fiscal restraint on organisational culture.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems 2017 11 (1), 11 DOI 10.1186/s13033-016-0116-0
Cameron, C., Nazar, J., Ehrlich, C., Kendall, E., Crompton, D., Liddy, A., Kisely, S. 2016. General
Practitioner management of chronic diseases in adults with severe mental illness: a community
intervention trial. Australian Health Review, http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AH16151
Emmerson, B., Praskova, A., Fawcett, l., Crompton, D., Heffernan, E. 2016 Mental health services
planning for G20 summit in Brisbane and assessment of impact. Australasian Psychiatry, DOI:
Kisely, S., Dietrich, J., Wyder, M., Crompton, D. 2016 Motivational aftercare planning to better
care: Applying the principles of advanced directives and motivational interviewing to discharge
planning for people with mental illness. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, DOI:
Chester, P., Ehrlich, C., Warburton, L., Baker, D., Kendall, E., Crompton, D. 2016. What is the
work of recovery oriented practice? a systematic literature review. International Journal of Mental
Health Nursing. DOI: 10.1111/inm.12241.
Dark, F., Newman, E., Gore-Jones, V., Whiteford, H., Harvey, C., Crompton, D. 2016.
Implementing cognitive therapies in routine psychosis care. Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Psychiatry, 50 (102). ISSN 0004-8674.
Cameron, C., Cumsille, J., Ehrlich, C., Kendall, E., Crompton, D., Kisely, S. 2016. An evaluation
of training general practitioners to screen and manage physical comorbidity in adults with
severe mental illness. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 50 (126). ISSN 0004-
Siskind, D., Sawyer, E., Lee, I., Lie, D., Martin-Khan, M., Farrington, J., Crompton, D., Kisely, S.
2016. The Mental Health of Older Persons after Human Induced Disasters. A Systematic Review
and Meta-Analysis of Epidemiological Data. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 24 (5): 379-
388 DOI: 10.1016/j.jagp.2015.12
Wyder, M., Bland, R., Crompton, D. 2016. The importance of safety, agency and control during
involvement mental health admissions. Journal of Mental Health. DOI: 10.3109/09638237.2015.
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