Hopkins 'hive' challenge buzz

The Hopkins ‘Hive’ was buzzing with activity during our first challenge which focused on how we can scale up rehabilitation in Queensland. Thank you to all members who participated in the challenge.

This rehabilitation ‘2030 call to action’ scaling up rehabilitation in Queensland was our first ‘hive’ challenge and you all helped to identify the top priories in addressing this call to action. We had some great initiatives and research ideas have already come your ideas. We are hoping to increase involvement for future challenges. 

Some of the key initiatives discussed and emerging outcomes were:

  • Leadership and collaboration among consumers and professionals to promote awareness of rehabilitation and a united movement.
  • Evidence of effectiveness through systematic reviews of both published and unpublished literature
  • Better understanding of need for rehabilitation
  • Interdisciplinary education and professional development opportunities
  • An economic task force to explore costs, benefits and funding models

We are also very excited to announce that the ‘hive’ will be extending to involve our consumer council ambassadors and key consumers we deal with in our research activates. This is a great opportunity to get service user feedback and solutions from a different view/ perspective. Our first challenge focused on bring our Centre together internally to collaborate. We are now turning that view externally to incorporate and engage with consumers, interact a larger audience and increase research impact.

Our next challenge will be released shortly and will focus on incorporating and welcoming consumers into the Hopkins ‘hive’ family. If you have not logged in or completed your profile as yet, please do so and a system reminder will be released shortly.

This is a great opportunity to make a difference by engaging with experts, sharing bold ideas and seeking innovative solutions. 

Watch this space to hear more about this to get involved in the next challenge coming soon…

We’d also love to hear from you, so any ideas on relevant issues or future challenges, please submit to hopkinscentre@griffith.edu.au


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