Clinician Capacity Building Research Grant Opportunities

The Hopkins Centre is pleased to share a new research funding initiative and opportunities for clinicians to be involved in research, through the Bright Sparks Clinician Capacity Building Grants and updated Clinical Fellowship guidelines and supports.

Research grant and fellowship schemes are an integral part of The Hopkins Centre’s approach to embed models of research that promote continuous, positive relationships and interactions between clinicians, researchers and other key end-users of research. The aim is to support new research that will improve disability and rehabilitation clinical practice, service delivery, and systems, as well as develop and maintain a credible exchange of scholarship and knowledge transfer to benefit rehabilitation services and the people who utilise these services. 

Please view the linked guidelines below for everything you need to know about applying for a new bright sparks grant or clinical fellowship. The guideline includes important information and links to priority areas of research, research opportunities/ objectives, submission process, funding support and contact details. To apply for a grant, please complete the relevant EOI, pitch form or application form and submit via email to the with supporting documentation.

Bright Sparks Clinician Capacity Building Grants
The Bright Sparks Capacity Building Grants are short-term (6-month) research projects that are designed to build clinician research capacity. They are designed to provide an introduction or gateway to research and address the common gap clinicians experience in gaining knowledge, skills, support and resources to conduct research or “moving from interest to engagement” in research. Clinicians will work in close collaboration with Hopkins academic researchers to build capacity, support and understanding in research. The research project will also deliver an output that is of benefit to both the clinical service and Hopkins (e.g., publication, report, translation product such as clinical resource development, training workshop etc). For further information and eligibility for this grant scheme, please refer to the guideline below.

Please click here to view or download:
Bright Sparks Clinician Capacity Building Grants Guideline
Bright Sparks Clinician Capacity Building Grants Pitch Form (word version)


Hopkins Clinician Capacity Building Research Funding Information Session Resources:
Please see all presentation and recordings shared in the three session webinar information series:

THC Information Session Recording 6/12/23
Hopkins presentation 6/12/23
Dr Delena Amsters 8 pearls of wisdom in being successful for a Hopkins seed grant
THC Information Session Recording 1/11/23
THC Information Session PowerPoint Presentation 031023
THC Information Session Recording 031023

Clinical Fellowships 
Clinical Fellowships are an integral part of The Hopkins Centre’s approach to embedded models of research that promote continuous, positive relationships and interactions between clinicians, researchers and other key end-users of research. The aim is to develop and maintain a credible exchange of scholarship and knowledge transfer to benefit rehabilitation services and the people who utilise these services. The objectives of Clinical Fellowships are to increase clinician-led research to ensure close links between practice and research, build research capacity and optimise translation opportunities in the area of rehabilitation. The primary focus of Fellowships is research that improves outcomes for people living with the long-term consequences of acquired brain injury, amputation, persistent pain, and spinal cord injury as well as developmental, age-related and other life-long disabling conditions. It includes people’s networks of support. 

The Hopkins Centre has recently revised these guidelines and forms to be more in tune to clinicans needs, committments, time, resources and flexible rolling application rounds and assessment. All updates will be shared in the online information session listed above on Tuesday 5 September 2023 at 1pm. Click here for more event information and online event link.

Please click here to view or download:
Clinical Fellowship Guideline 
Clinical Fellowship EOI Form (word version)

A tile with an image of the earth in the background. Overlayed is a black, semi-transparent section with the text "The Hopkins Centre Bright Sparks Grants: Building Clinician Research Capacity. Available now." in bold white lettering.

For further information, please contact The Hopkins Centre research support team at


Tags: Bright Sparks, Clinician, Capacity Building, Grants, Clinical Fellowship

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