Co-designing and co-delivering health profession education: Health educator and expert by experience perspectives guideline

In collaboration with Griffith University and Metro South Health, researchers Michelle BissettHannah Gawne and Maddy Slattery, have been working on a project entitled “Co-designing and co-delivering health profession education: Health educator and expert by experience perspectives”.

The objective of the study was to explore expert by experience and health educator perspectives of co-designing and/or co-delivering university health curriculum. From the data, the research team gathered the perspectives of participants and created a guideline document which offers recommendations for both experts by experience and health educators, who may be considering partnering to co-design or co-deliver.

The Guideline is a resource, providing guidance and suggestions on how to co-design health professional education. The intended audience is people with lived experience and health educators who are partnering to design and deliver health profession curriculum, or who have partnered and would like to reflect on their experience.

The team hopes this guideline supports the successful partnering of people with lived experience and health educators in health profession education.

Front cover of the Co-Designing Health Professional Education with Lived Expereience: Recommendations for University Practice guideline

Tags: Guideline, Co-design, Health Professional Education

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